What is API token and how can I generate API token?

1. Through the API, you can give access to other people to trade or have access to your account, but you can limit them:

2.For example, you can block withdrawals from your account:

3.Enter your account settings from here:

4.Click on API tokens  tab:

5.After seeing the box below, choose one of these three items and you can also activate all three options together:

6.read means that she/he can only see your account without having access to anything

7.trade means that she/he can trade in your account and make  orders and manage all transactions in your account, but this person cannot make any withdrawals from your account.

8.withdraw means that you will allow one person to withdraw, so be careful about this, if you want to give all access, check all three options and click the create button to create an API link:

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